Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Social networking..

Soooo many things to get addicted to on the Internet.. I am currently active on Facebook, Twitter, Blogger, Pinterest (which I LOVE) and a forum.  I have no idea what I used to do before all of these things existed, but I dare say my house was a lot tidier. 

We had a visit to Monash Hospital on Monday afternoon and it went really well.  We were running late due to slow service where we went for lunch, so I dropped Jimmy & Eva at the door while I parked the car thinking we would be waiting ages anyway.  By the time I got into the physio department she was almost all done!  The harness had been off and put back on again, it needed adjusting as she'd grown.  Jimmy said that when it was off Eva had had a huuuge stretch, she would have loved it.  Everything is progressing nicely, and the safe zone of Eva's hip movement has increased by 15%.  We also don't need to go back to the hospital for two weeks which is great! 

Jimmy barbequed lamb last night and we sat outside where our only table is and it was lovely.  Eva sat up in her bouncer and ate her fist, her latest fun game!


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